Say goodbye to reflux without invasive surgery, or PPIs!
Experience the GERDX® procedure: the solution that tackles reflux without incisions or metal implants, effectively.
Now available in South Africa. Start your journey for reflux relief!
The FDA emphasizes PPI usage limits, advising no more than three 14-day treatment courses annually*. However, the GERDX® procedure, a minimally invasive solution, targets the root cause of reflux: a flawed valve between the esophagus and stomach.
If you rely on PPIs like Prilosec® and Nexium® for symptom control, discover a safe and efficient alternative.

The incisionless procedure is performed from inside the patient´s stomach under deep sedation or general anesthesia. By use of a flexible endoscope and a guidewire, the Applicator can be gently introduced into the stomach via the mouth and esophagus. Under visualisation of the endoscope, the front part of the tool is turned backward, its arms are opened up, and the Tissue Retractor is gently moved into the stomach tissue.

The Tissue Retractor is carefully moved further into the lining of the upper part of the stomach called the gastric cardia mucosa. Due to the design of the manipulating arms and the central positioned Tissue Retractor a lot of tissue can be gathered for the subsequent suturing process. As the integrated endoscope can be navigated independently from the Applicator, a perfect visualisation is given within the whole procedure.

The arms of the Applicator are closed under visualisation, creating a full-thickness (eFTP, Endoscopic full-tickness plication) through all layers of the stomach wall. Suturing through all layers of the stomach wall is highly important as this forms the basis for a durable outcome. Due to this fact the design of the Applicator allows easy repositioning of the Suture System before deploying it permanently.

The Suture System has been deployed, the Tissue Retractor removed and the arms of the Applicator re-opened again. The pre-knotted suture that goes through the entire thickness of the tissue wall ensures a full-thickness duplication and a tight closure of the gastro-esophageal junction around the shaft of the Applicator. In addition to this the natural flap-valve is recreated again by wrapping the tissue. Afterwards the arms are closed again, the Applicator straightened and removed.

The GERDX-System® fills the treatment gap between medication and invasive surgery. It's minimally invasive, with fewer side effects, and doesn't restrict future treatment choices.
Are you suffering from chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that is not well controlled with medications, or where long-term medications are not an option, the procedure of an endoscopic full-thickness plication (eFTP) performed with the GERDX-System® could be an alternative.

Dysfunctional valve

Functional valve
What people say
Ulga shares her experience on how she managed to help her severe gerd symptoms.
Who can the GERDX-System® help?
The GERDX-System® bridges the big treatment gap between medication and more invasive surgical solutions by being less invasive, having fewer adverse effects and without limiting future treatment options.
It’s recommended for patients who:
- Suffer from chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Are 18+
- Had little success with long-term medications
- Don't want invasive procedures
Live procedure shown during the worlds largest virtual endoscopy meeting "Endoscopy on Air".